About Majesty

About us

Majesty Restaurants (formerly Tebstey) is the leader in offering the most delicious types of pies, such as pies or sweet pies. It also offers all types of Italian pizzas and various pastries and the best meals of the Syrian section, which suits all tastes including (sandwiches / meals) / Dishes Majesty offers a different type of meal in Egypt where you can offer pancakes of all kinds with a wonderful taste and high quality that is not comparable to other similar chain restaurants in the field of pancakes. In addition to providing different Italian pizza with a distinctive flavor and different from other international pizza chains, From our valued customers, various sandwiches, appetizers, appetizers, and many other special products that attract customers without others.

Our aim is to change the Egyptian habits and to moderate food & service environment in Egypt to cop up with the international booming in food service industry.

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